With the cost of living crisis continuing, we know the cost of regular servicing can take its toll. But it’s really important for the safety and lifespan of your vehicle. The good news is that looking after your vehicle doesn’t need to cost the earth. There are some checks that you can conduct at home that can help in keeping you on the road. Regularly carrying out checks on the key elements of your vehicles operating systems will ensure you will be able to continue motoring and cut down the risk of breakdowns. Did you know that less than 20% of drivers checking their vehicles are “road ready” before every journey? And yet a simple check can help you avoid costly breakdowns. So here are, what we consider, 10 essential vehicle checks that you can do to keep you motoring safely.
A statistic from the breakdown services has shown that, of all the vehicles they check at the side of the road, 1 in 3 have dangerously low levels of oil in them. Not having enough oil to lubricate your engine is a major contributor of breakdowns and costly repairs.
We advise that you should regularly check that the oil in your engine is between the minimum and maximum levels displayed on your dipstick.
If the level is below minimum, as soon as you can you should top it up. This is best performed when the engine is cooled, so at least an hour after use. Not sure what oil you should be using? Your handbook should tell you, or some of the car part shops have guides that indicate the best oil for your make and model. Or you can contact your dealer.
It seems obvious but checking you have enough fuel is key to a successful journey! How many times have you been tempted to run on vapours with the intention of visiting the forecourt first thing in the morning? Running on empty can damage your fuel lines as dust, grime and debris at the bottom of the fuel tank can be sucked up when fuel levels are really low.
One of the most important of the 10 essential vehicle checks but often over looked. Vehicle coolant is responsible for ensuring that your vehicle engine doesn’t freeze up OR overheat. Many people argue that it shouldn’t need topping up as the whole system is sealed. Never the less, leaks can happen. A quick check is cheaper than a costly engine repair. As with oil, always use the correct coolant for your vehicle, only top up when the engine is cool and consult handbooks or manufacturers websites if unsure on what you should be using.
Not only can driving within legal limits of tyre rubber help with safe motoring, it can help you avoid costly fines if stopped by the authorities. Do you know legal tyre tread limits? For tyres a minimum tread level of 1.6mm is stipulated with the advice that this should be at least 3mm in winter conditions. There are simple tools you can purchase that let you check your tread levels at home.
Ensuring your wiper blades are functioning properly is essential to safe driving. The rubber they are made from can become brittle over time so a quick turn on and a blast of screenwash will give you an indication if yours are on the way put. So the next check is…
Having enough screenwash is important all year round but particularly in the winter months. When roads are gritted in colder temperatures the grit and dust that’s laid down, can very quickly cause your windscreen to become obstructed. If you don’t have enough screenwash to clear the dirt driving very quickly becomes unsafe and pulling over can be the only option. You can also be fined for driving with a windscreen with reduced visibility.
This is a simple check when it’s dark when you start a journey. But checking all lights are working is important even when you start out in the light. A quick walk around the vehicle to check all relevant lights are working is recommended. If you someone with you, get them to check as you press the brakes. Did you know you can receive a fine if your number plate light isn’t working? And yet it’s so cheap to replace once you know it’s not working.
One of the biggest source of breakdowns and yet one of the least checked components of a vehicle. Most batteries have a finite lifespan, so anything over 4 years old could be on the way out. It’s always best to get your battery tested at a reputable garage.
Checking brakes are working properly is essential to safe driving. If, when you operate the brakes they feel spongy or different to usual, get hem checked. Check brake fluid levels, there may be a leak. As this is a corrosive substance, and there may be deeper issues with your braking system we would always advise getting a professional to conduct any fluid top up or replacement. But a simple check before every journey can help reduce potentially costly repairs or worse, accidents.
A quick walk around your vehicle can help to spot issues with tyres, wing mirrors, number plates and all the vital components of your vehicle that contribute to safe motoring. If any of these are defective or missing you could be fined and issued penalty points if stopped by the authorities. This also includes that windscreens and number plates are clear and visible, so a regular cleaning regime wouldn’t go a miss either!
Of course, there are more than just 10 essential vehicle checks to conduct on your vehicle. But these are the ones that are very easy to administer yourself and can save you lots of money if you spot a problem early. Not to mention ensure that you and your passengers can enjoy safe travels.
Need someone to check your tyres, or do you need to get your vehicle serviced? Give us a call and book into our garage for your regular vehicle checkup.
Rayner Bosch Car Service
Unit 5
36 Queens Road
RG14 7NE
01635 46323
Monday—Friday: 8:00AM–5:30PM
Saturday: 8:00AM–12:00PM